Mikvah Site
A Mikvah minisite as beautiful and relevant as the mitzvah it represents.

Is this a Stand-alone site or a Minisite
It’s a minisite. Stand-alone is not an option at this time.
What’s unique about it?
It’s handcrafted which means one of our talented designers actually drew each and every element and detail here.
How will it look on mobile
One word: Impressive. 100% Mobile-friendly.
What about smaller size screens and tablets?
Yep, we covered that too – fully responsive.
Alright, I’m sold, what’s included?
Includes minisite homepage and inside page template exactly as seen on ChabadConejo.com/mikvah. No customization on design – let’s keep this simple so we can give you a great deal.
What text will you customize for me?
3 things: (1) Your mikvah name (2) Your logo (3) Names of 2 homepage buttons. NOTE: The links on top will automatically appear based on the content pages you create
Can you set up all the inside pages too like about, appointment and tours form?
Yes, however that’s not included in the scope of this project. To avoid additional cost this is actually something you can do easily on your own by dragging your existing minisite pages into this new minisite and making some adjustments where needed so everything fits nicely in this frame.
What if all my content is on a separate stand-alone site?
You’re in luck! ChabadOne can move it over for about $35. Once they’re done, proceed with step above.
Can my domain name point to this new minisite?
Sure can.
Got it! And the price tag is?
Cost is just $695 – what a steal!
How can you give it away for so cheap?
Because we won’t be customizing any images. So we invested a whole lot in designing this once and we’re covering the cost by providing it to many Chabad Houses so that everyone benefits.
Okay, but you know I need this yesterday, right?
We didn’t think otherwise! That’s why our turnaround is super fast. How’s 1-2 days?
I have a WordPress, Joomla or other custom site. Can I get in on this?
Not all sites are created equal, but there is a good chance you’re in luck. Contact Us to see if we can make it work on yours.
Nu, I’m ready. What do you need?
Just a little gelt. Pay here: Mikvah Site Order
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