Dinner Package FAQs

What’s unique about your packages?

Invitation design + minisite all in one place? Yes, please! We’ve streamlined your gala prep and made things easier for you by bundling beautiful invitation designs with our popular event minisites. With these ready-before-you-can-blink, affordable packages, kicking off your gala has never been easier!

My gala is expensive enough. Why pay for a nice invitation and minisite?

Empty chairs at your gala are even more expensive. Each chair you fill brings in more money to support your organization – and chairs are filled when people are excited to show up. Looking to impress people enough to shell out hundreds of dollars for a seat? Your invitation has got to look spectacular.

Can I just get a minisite, and design my invitation elsewhere?

You have high standards for your event. Why compromise on your invitation? Our packages include everything you need at rock-bottom, affordable prices, and are strategically designed to impress and get those RSVPs rolling in. No need to take the roundabout route filled with headache, hassle, and subpar results when you have it all on a silver platter 🥂

My 19-year-old niece is really talented. Can’t I ask her to design my invitation?

Canva creations are cute, but to kick off an upscale event? Not so much 😉 If you’re asking hundreds of dollars for a seat, it’s time to call in the experts. We’ll create a stunning invitation for your event, strategically designed to impress your community and entice them RSVP.

I keep refreshing my inbox, waiting for the goods. How do I get them?

Easy! Just choose a package and voila! Everything will be ready in no time. It’s going to look amazing!